Back at the tail end of the Pandemic I began a campaign of Dune: Adventures in the Imperium.
Over the next year and a half in real time my players took a small House Minor with internal trouble and managed to drag it up to House Major status over the course of a century.
We created a living, breathing House. Whose family lines extended from the first season through to the second and informed much of the characters backgrounds.
As we played through the game I posted each session to the Modiphius forums. Detailing what my players had been up to as they explored the world and plotted to subvert my story at every turn. 😀
As part of this I created a great many handouts, maps, and details. Far more than I had ever created for a campaign before. This extended to my commissioning portraits of the initial characters and a world map of their homeworld of Cheruf.
Normally these would simply languish on my hard drive, never to see light of day after the game finished. But as people saw and commented what my players and I had created I was asked if they could use this art. I was happy for this happen, but the pieces were scattered across 40+ forum posts and some of it had never been uploaded in the first place.
So I have put everything in one place. Anyone is welcome to use any of the artwork, maps* or characters for Dune or any other game you want.
Enjoy reading the exploits of House Sindri and happy gaming!
‘* The world map for Cheruf is the low res social media & VTT versions. If you want the high detail version with multiple variants please contact the creator Ti at
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