
Star System: Methuselah
Moons: 2
Habitable: Class IV
Feudal House: Ezharaian
Primary Export: Agricultural produce & Rare metals
Population: Focussed mainly in the West of the main continent where the fertile soil produces bountiful harvests. The East of the continent is sparsely populated, predominantly around mining and refining facilities.
Languages: Gallach
Locations of Interest: Irkalla, Mount Idrassin and the Ruins of Ganzir.

The forth planet in the Methuselah system, Cheruf is a tectonically active planet that is still cooling and as such it’s crust is comparatively thin. A single continent occupies the southern hemisphere with only small island chains elsewhere on the planet, none of them of any significance.
Volcanic action has brought many rare ores to the surface, making mining a highly valuable, if dangerous, activity.

A minor planet in the Imperium, Cheruf does not have the intensity of more profitable planets and as such has never received the attention needed to unlock it’s true potential. The ever present risk of volcanic eruption and subsequent clouds of ash also dissuade would be investors.
House Ezharian controls the fief, but delegate almost all of their duties to House Hallas. As long as the tithes come in, they are content to leave Cheruf to it’s own devices.
As such the House Minors on Cheruf are closer than is normal, with a high degree of marriages and connections between them.

From the fertile plains of Karasu to the roasting hot mines of Sindri, a great importance is put on the production of resources. Whilst the arts are not completely neglected they are definitely seen as inferior in Cherufian culture.
Harvest festivals are a significant element in the calendar, even in the arid east where equivalent festivals are celebrated around the dates of major resource finds. It is expected for Nobles to sponsor such events and, with suitable security precautions, attend the larger ones. The rivalry between different festivals can become quite heated, especially in Karasu territory, where the addition of the great monasteries and seminaries to the mix bring a religious fervour to activities.
Followers of the Salivatory Bible are the most common denomination on Cheruf. With several major religious establishments across the continent, though concentrated in Karasu territory. A peculiarity of this branch of the OC bible is the pre-eminence of Llamas in their religious texts, as such Llama milk alcohol is highly prized across the planet.

The volcanoes in the west of the continent are largely dormant, having left behind a rich soil that can sustain extensive agriculture and forestry. The east is home to several active volcanoes and much of the land here is covered in ash that has not yet broken down, making agriculture a risky business at best.
With steady westerly breezes the temperatures in the west are cooler than those of the East, giving a climate akin to Old Terra’s Mediterranean regions, climbing steadily as you progress into Sindri territory. The south-east of the continent is home only to a few mining facilities clinging to the coast and the ruins of Ganzir, standing only to mock any who consider settling beyond the mountain chain.

Points of Interest
Irkalla is the capital of House Sindri and while not the largest city on the planet, certainly the most influential. Being the location of the Sindri palace and the largest spaceport. It is also the only location on the planet with a permanent Spacing Guild presence, a legacy of the Houses importance in supplying certain important ores used in Heighliner construction.
Standing mostly in Karasu lands Mount Idrassin is the tallest mountain on the planet, though not impressive by many worlds standards. Many monasteries & seminaries dot it’s flanks, their occupants elevated above the common folk both literally and spiritually.
Lying in the shadow of an active volcano the Ruins of Ganzir stand as testimony the destructive power that lies just below the surface of Cheruf. In it’s day it was a marvel of environmental engineering, cooling the surrounding terrain and keeping the city a pleasant temperature. Nowadays few brave its shattered buildings, despite rumours that the House vaults were never breached and still await a determined adventurer.