House Dhal has only recently been recognised by the Great House Ophelion for their skill in the production of Pentashields for use in high security areas and escape routes.
The head of the family is Chevalier Talitha Dhal, though her parents are still alive. It was through her actions controlling the family company that brought her to the attention of Earl Ophelion who saw in her a valuable piece to add to his board in the great game of the Landsraad.
Dhal style Pentashields are now finding favour amongst the Major Houses the two main suppliers in the Imperium were embroiled in a War of Assassins with each other, crippling both their production and the reputation of their products.
This rise in station has fired the ambition in Talitha and is now pushing her to drive House Dhal to even greater heights. In her desire for more power she is now considering slipping hidden overrides into some of the Houses’ products. After all a side line in Assassinations could prove very lucrative in the future.
Type: House Nascent
Major House: Ezharian
Secondary Domain: Espionage Machinery (Pentashields)
Traits: Counter-espionage, Ambitious
Battle: 4
Communicate: 5
Discipline: 4
Move: 6
Understand: 5
Resources: 5
Wealth: 4*
Status: 15
Reputation: Weak
Military Power: Militia
Population Loyalty: Acceptance
Lifestyle: Poor
*20 Wealth from Domains
+ 10 Wealth from Treasurer
– 20 Wealth from Upkeep
– 6 Wealth from Skills